Sunday, January 9, 2011

Laundry Day!

Blake and I are spending the day with our in-laws and our pooch Ruby, while trying to minimize the mountain of dirty laundry that magically appeared over the last two weeks.

I won't be posting an OOTD since I'm wearing jeans and a hoodie, but I will post my question of the day.

I don't subscribe to fashion magazines and my TV watching is limited to whatever is on Hulu or Netflix, so I feel out of the fashion loop lately.

I was perusing the Sartorialist blog and for inspiration for the coming months when picking outfits will be more challenging.  I'm having a difficult time finding worthwhile blogs and websites to feed me with inspiration and styling cues.

Here's my question:

What blogs or websites do you read to keep up with changing trends, who's who and what's new?

Thanks, friends!

Contest update: Carol at InPursuitOfPrettyThings already has tons of points for the ring raffle! Get your points people!

If you need a refresher on the contest go here

1 comment:

  1. the glamourai!

    bjones style and sea of shoes for lots of vintage.
